Nigerian singer Wizkid, also known as Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, recently shared his deep emotional turmoil following the loss of his beloved mother in August of last year. Known for his open expression of love for his mother, Wizkid took to his Instagram story to reveal the void he feels since her passing.
In his heartfelt message, Wizkid expressed gratitude to his fans and supporters who have been accompanying him on his healing journey. However, he also issued a warning, stating that he is currently in a vulnerable state and advising others to keep their distance, as he finds himself giving away slaps for free.
In his own words, Wizkid wrote, "Look in the mirror, don't feel myself! Mama left me and I lost myself! Can't wait to feel myself again! Life of a soldier! Military with it! Until then, I'm giving slaps away for free, so leave me. Expensive pain.
This raw and honest expression from Wizkid reflects the deep impact his mother's loss has had on him. It serves as a reminder that grief is a personal journey, and everyone copes in their own way. Wizkid's vulnerability and warning highlight the need for understanding and respect during this difficult time.
As Wizkid navigates through his grief, let's continue to support him with love and understanding, giving him the space he needs to heal and find himself once again.
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